Long-distance commute on a daily basis and office commute are tedious in the present city environment. Obviously, there are options like cab and riding own vehicles. The former option is not always pocket-friendly and on a daily basis, it seems impractical. The latter option demands physical strength to endure the traffic. So, both options are […]
Suppose a person wants to repair the wooden cupboard in his house, what do you think he will do? Find a local carpenter in the nearby area. This may sound easy but inherently there is a bit of unreliability and inconvenience. Finding a skilled carpenter is difficult that too at the right time and pricing, […]
Instances of failed transaction in payment is haunting the on-demand taxi industry. At present, more than 50% of the taxi fare is paid in cashless format. This is a giant stride in the on-demand taxi segment, but failed transactions are a serious issue that affects the reliability of the taxi service. If you are operating […]
The present billion-dollar on-demand transport industry has a new addition. It is the self drive car rental business model. Car rental is not something new and is present for some decades. People in the US and European cities often rent cars for personal use. An increase in fuel price, maintenance, space constraint, are some of […]
Be it office, workplace, house, or any other place you spend considerable time, you always want them to be aesthetically pleasing. What I mean by this is not only about the type of building, but also the look, wall color, interiors, etc. It is even said that the mood of a person is greatly influenced […]
Kuwait is a city of business opportunities. Any new business model picks up easily without much effort. Now there is an opportunity to solve a problem using the on-demand Uber model. Per capita consumption of resources is very high in gulf cities. Now we are in an era where it is necessary to indulge in […]
The growing cost in the construction industry is a cause of concern. To reduce cost the only way is to outsource as many services as possible. Also, construction companies are looking to hire equipment in order to avoid maintenance and other issues. Hiring and outsourcing are good but it has its own inefficiencies like getting […]
Locksmith is a highly skilled profession and this is one of the fields undeterred by the digital wave. No machine can replace the work of locksmiths. In fact, its demand is surging to a new high with young professionals entering this sector equipped with advanced security and alarm technologies. Locksmith’s work is not only confined […]
Last-mile courier delivery is the latest sector to be disrupted by the on-demand model. Courier transport and delivery has always been capital intensive and requires a good amount of management to survive in the market. Till now 95% of the courier delivery firms are traditional firms and are suffering from inefficiency. The inefficiencies are in […]
African countries are always known for their natural resources and tourist destinations. For years people from different parts of the world started to visit these countries and not to mention that the main source of revenue in these places is from tourism and transport. But what is challenging in the African region is a reliable […]