When was the last time you have been to a salon or spa? Definitely, you would have experienced some problems like long waiting time, exorbitant price, and not so good service. Also, you have to get the service from salons at a convenient time. But, these problems are no longer there after the advent of […]

The admin panel of the on-demand taxi booking app solution is where the admin can oversee all the proceedings between a driver and a rider. For someone who is keen to start a taxi hailing startup must know the functions of the admin web panel. The admin panel, unlike the other two apps, is highly […]

Across the globe, there is a pattern of increased use of public transport and cabs for the daily commute. This is mainly because of the high cost of owning a car and traffic problems. So, this demand for taxis is now being harnessed by many entrepreneurs to launch taxi startups like Uber which uses an […]

At present, we are able to book a taxi, order food, get a person for running errands, handyman for work, tutor for our child, and many more things anytime and anywhere. These works are done using mobile apps with just a tap. This model of using an app for everything was first introduced by Uber […]

New entrepreneurs who are going to launch a taxi startup will first approach a taxi app solution provider and surely he knows how an app-based taxi startup will be and what to expect in a standard taxi booking app. For solution providers who have the readymade taxi app must know these expectations on the taxi […]

How SpotnRides After Sales Technical Assistance Can Bring a Change to Your On-Demand Taxi Business in the Longer Run_

Many small and medium entrepreneurs who are keen to try their luck in the on-demand taxi market have used our taxi booking app solution. We have put a lot of effort into developing the solution with utmost quality and make it as a minimum viable product open to customization.  That said, we also strive to […]

The conventional taxi companies are the worst affected after the advent of the on-demand app based taxi booking startups like Uber, Ola, and some more. The on-demand taxi model in the present situation will be profitable only when operated with the less ownership model. But, most of the conventional taxi firms have their own fleet. […]

SpotnRides is a provider of taxi booking app clone script similar to Uber business model. This solution is developed to mainly cater to the needs of entrepreneurs who want to enter the on-demand taxi market at a limited budget. SpotnRides is having a ready made script so that entrepreneurs need not spend time and money […]

If you are a fitness trainer who wants to make more money as a personal trainer or an entrepreneur who is keen to explore the on-demand startup with an innovative idea, then this blog is for you. Is There Any Demand for Uber for Personal Trainers App? Demand for Personal Trainers At present, people across […]

Ever since the success of the on-demand market, there has been a steady increase in the no. of startups in this domain. While, there can be many factors that define the success of the on-demand startups but, I don’t think that any of these factors will have more influence than the app solution. The app […]

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