Get Relief From The Stress With SpotnRides Stress Management Trainer Booking App Solution

Are you frustrated by your workplace stress? Then, you must take stress management training to boost yourself quickly at the stressed time. Stress is a common issue and unavoidable thing in the workplace. Most of the working employees have this issue, present-day every work is more challenging and highly demanded in the on-growing industries.

Therefore getting stressed is easy, there no such place so-called “stress-free working platform”. We have to enhance ourselves with the stress and get relief from it soon to get back to work. This blog is all about the stress management trainer booking service and on-demand stress management trainer booking app.

Growing Demand For Professional Stress Management Training Business

Today we all get easily stressed due to our day to day busy work schedule and the surrounding environment also another reason to get stressed easily. This can be quickly get rid of but in our busy lives, we aren’t able to go to a trainer’s place to practice stress relief management. Really it is a time taking task today in 2020. 

If you’re running a company or industry then you have to give a stress management program to your employees regularly for better results in their work. Stress is not only for the working employees today everyone is in need of a stress management trainer either working people or studying students. 

  • The industrial survey shows that the stress management market size was valued at 7.01 bn USD at the end of 2018. 
  • With the rising competition of the employee’s population, the market size was expected to show a growth rate of 8.4% CAGR in the forecasting period.

When a person gets stressed highly, then they aren’t able to concentrate on one thing correctly. Therefore, they must know how to handle their stress quickly and get back to their regular routine life. This can be done by a proper professional trainer only but searching for the best service is quite a tough thing in the needed time.

SpotnRides has enough experience in the build-up of on-demand trainer booking applications for self-improvement. If you’re looking for an on-demand based business, then you must think about the app for stress management trainer booking. In the upcoming section, you will be getting to know about the on-demand stress management trainer booking app.

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SpotnRides enhanced interfaces to get rid of stress quickly

Everyone wants the best service booking software according to their business demands but mostly end up in poorly developed algorithms or with un-attractive UI applications. Certain things will happen commonly with many entrepreneurs in the industries. Once you decide to start an app for stress management trainer booking, then you will be listing many application developer’s services but you’re lucky to be here. 

Yes, you’re at the right expert’s hands, SpotnRides stress management trainer booking app solution helps you to choose the application that suits your business demands, and you can restructure the application according to your demands. 

If your business suits the application, then you have to face a big loss in your service shortly.  In SpotnRides you won’t have that type of issue since our application is more customizable you can scale the application easily. The application crafting won’t take more time, we will be delivering the application as we promise.

The three interfaces in your on-demand stress management trainer booking app as listed below

  1. Trainer’s app (iOS and Android),
  2. Customer’s app (iOS and Android),
  3. Admin’s panel.

By now, you might be more curious about how your application actually works right? If yes, then here let me share you the quick working process of stress management trainer booking app solution as follows

  • The workflow of your application is like other on-demand service booking applications. At first, the customer has to accept your application terms and sign up with their details. To make this sign-up process simple, we have integrated social media integration. Once they sign-up they can check the nearby service providers.
  • The customers can check the service provider’s profile and their service review before booking them. Once the customer is confirmed with the trainer’s profile, they can place the book option there now or later. This lets the customers schedule their training section according to their preferable time on checking the service provider’s available time.
  • Once the customer sends the service request, the respective service provider can accept the request of the customer or reject it according to their time preference. If the service provider accepts the service request, then they can check the customer’s details with their current destination.
  • The training timing can be fixed by the customer and the fare for the service will be billed according to it. Once the service is completed successfully, the customer is allowed to rate or comment on the review about the service provider with the in-build review section.

The above mentioned is the workflow of your app for stress management trainer booking. In the upcoming section let me share with you the key features.

Amplify the stress management booking experience with SpotnRides app metrics

  • Easy registration – Application registration is one of the important ways to quickly start the service shortly. Many more companies still fail to understand the registration process and give long registration options to the customers. This is one of the main reasons why customers get fed-up at the starting stage itself.
    To make the registration process more simple and quick, we have included the social media log-in system for the customers. Therefore, they are able to log-in the service with the help of their social media accounts itself. This integration also helps them to share their experience with their circle easily and it brings visibility to your service.
  • Service location tracking – Every on-demand application must have a tracking feature that lets the customer’s to search for the service provider immediately and track their service provider in real-time. As soon as the service provider accepts the customer’s request, then they are able to track the customer’s destination too. 
  • Auto-navigation – Though the GPS tracking feature helps the service provider to navigate the customer’s destination. To extend the feature to make the service a little better we have integrated the auto navigation feature. This gives the voice over to the service provider for the correct navigation to reach the customer’s destination soon.
  • Service rejection – We can’t force the service provider to accept the service request at every time. To give them full flexibility, we have included this feature that lets the service provider accept or reject the service request from the customers. This gives full freedom to the service provider and this will enhance your service too.
  • Service fare estimation – Most every customer wants to know the service fare before booking the service. It will improve service efficiency and bring transparency to your stress management trainer startup. We have integrated the latest algorithm therefore your customers will be getting the exact estimate fare. 
  • Service evaluation option – Both the service providers and the admin want to know about the service. Therefore we have integrated the service survey review system, the customers can review their service after the service is finished successfully. This feature brings transparency to your service gradually.

Final say 

We have discussed the on-demand stress management trainer booking app and how our service helps you to meet your customers directly at their doorstep. In SpotnRides, you will be getting the complete package of stress management trainer booking app solution high-quality at a reasonable price. Therefore, you can save your money for the launching purpose today. 

If you are satisfied with the above-mentioned business model and features, then contact us today at If you’re not satisfied and need some changes, then please let us know about it by filling the below form. We are always ready to help you with the best application service and we will catch you soon.

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About the author


I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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