From farm to market and to the urban communities is only achieved by means of better transportation services. Road transport plays not only helpful for moving goods from one place to another. It also lies in the interaction among the different regions and opens up the gateway for economic growth irrespective of the regions. Bad conditions in transport and bargaining are the major difficulties that affected the individual growth of the farmers. Among them, the proper improvement in transportation resolves the burden on one side.
The provision of transportation either by commercial agencies or by the individual farmer itself is the ultimate necessity for the economic functionalities across the regions. Among the pool of transportation services, selecting the right transportation service at an affordable rate is the major task for the farmer’s side. The Monopolistic nature of the transportation services and the lack of information regarding the availability of transportation services increases the cost of transportation.
Finding the right transportation providers, interacting with them in a feasible way forbidding the cost values, making contracts with them for transportation of goods, performing the financial activities like commission management, cost reduction, knowing the offers and promotions, all requirements for online app-based transportation of agricultural produce for agricultural growth.
You have the question, how all these activities performed in an error-free environment. The evolution of mobile apps for agriculture product transportation opens up the possible way for all these options. SpotnRides, a customizable mobile app solution to carry all the above activities by aggregating the local transport providers. Prior to looking deeply, let’s discuss the streams of agriculture, modern transportation services, and issues.
Creating awareness about the offers available in the market may help them to bargain for the better return of their produce. Around the total generated revenue, farmers will get less than 30%. To increase the revenue value for the farmer, bringing down all into one place is the opt solution for better logistics. Currently, farmers hire transport services to transport goods to the respective market.
The modes of transport available for transforming the goods are road, water, rail, and air. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Among them, the cheapest and the short distance transport mode is the road. By means of road transportation, loading and unloading are possible at any destination. The issues commonly observed on the transportation services are as follows;
The perfect solution is required to resolve the above issues. Properly managed transport platform is the major thing to deliver the harvested crops to the market from the farm resources. When it is economically managed, the managed transport interface results in a considerable reduction in cost. Many industries redefine or restructure work practices to meet customer demands. Yes. Modern transport architecture also restructured itself in the 21st century.
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Agriculture Transportation Movement towards 21st century
The transportation movement is majorly on optimal routes with affordable cost services. To find the optimal transport services, farmers keep their eyes on the following aspects:
The recent evolving policy called the permanent Hours of Service (HoS) is specially granted for the Agri transporters. They highlighted the following implications:
Modern Transport System: A New Partnership and its Issues
With the evolution of the uber mobile application, the transport system for agriculture redefines its structure and energizes the vehicles left standing on the farm. Research officials stated that the app for Agricultural Products Transportation Services establishes the digital links between the producers and suppliers and aims to fix the inefficiencies in the transportation of goods from one stage to another.
Making the right investments for farmers and traders is the most important thing and the listing of geotagging services with the empanelled rates helps them to make the smart decision. Modern transport, cannot have the standard model, but they capture the personal credentials of the farmers like name, mobile number, bank account number and address (not geo-tagged) to connect the optimally the farmers and mandi.
The most fundamental issue observed in transportation services is the need for optimized routes. In general, they are not only delivered the loads and returned back empty. To resolve this issue, the best interconnecting platform for the drivers is required. The scheduling of the trips helps to enable the optimal route where there is no option for driving back empty. Besides, some of the implications are observed when farmers tie-up with transportation services.
Upon concluding this section, you have gained the impact of transportation services for the agriculture industry. The transportation service app for farmers enabled the best digital link between the farmers and the buyers, mandi owners, retailers and wherever applicable. When we move on to the 21st century, modernization in transportation services requires more unique features to resolve the issues.
How SpotnRides Unlocking the Potential Issues and Improving the Transportation Factor?
SpotnRides, the best user-friendly interface between the local transport providers and the farmers. The unique way of booking system matches the farmer’s demands with the multiple transport providers in order to reduce the cost of transportation. This section also describes the unique features that are used to unlock the potential pitfalls in modern transportation services.
Enabling the real-time digital linking in the SpotnRides based on the geo-coordinates between the farmers and transport providers helps the farmers to assure the geographical coverage. The real-time availability information based on the location information may help the farmers to know the nearby transportation services easily.
Based on the aggregated demand, the SpotnRides allows the farmers to choose the pool option in order to match the capacity with the transport service providers. This helps to break the monopoly services where the comparative analysis of rates for the transportation service providers are available and this supports to take the cost-effective decision for the farmers
As per the discussion in the previous session, the recent enabling concept is to find the optimal route. The provision of prior scheduling options in SpotnRides by specifying the pickup and drop location directly, the drivers are prevented from the empty ride that preserves the cost of investment.
With the inclusion of a specially dedicated review and rating system in SpotnRides, farmers can easily rate the quality of the transport service providers. By the implementation of the mandatory rating system, farmers can select the high-rated service provider from the pool of many services
Selecting the best high-rated transport service provider with the comparison of price-fixing, making real-time conversations regarding the price-fixing and the commission management when the multiple requests available assure the high-transparency.
Wrap Up!
Summing up, the changes are common in every industry and adopting the latest technology makes the business owners stand in the market. In a similar way, the agriculture transportation system redefines the entire structure year by year. The significant cost reduction and the geographical linking of farmers and the transportation services are the major issues observed in the market. SpotnRides provides the best solution for the numerous issues and moves the agriculture modern transportation services in a new way in the 21st century. Make your own startup with us by dropping your ideas into