How SpotnRides Provides Breakthrough Taxi Management Software to Satisfy the Demands in Taxi Industry?

Being from the taxi industry I have to say that both taxi startups which use on-demand booking apps and conventional taxi firms are facing obstacles which are not common to both of them. 

Obstacles in the taxi business industry

For conventional taxi firms, the advent of on-demand taxis changed their operations and made them less relevant in the market. These conventional firms too were resistant to allow some changes like GPS navigation, mobile based booking, cab locating, review and rating system, and many more. The cost of managing the taxis also increased drastically because unlike taxi startups, conventional firms owned all the cabs.

Now, in the case of taxi startups, only the small and medium are affected. They face obstacles like intense competition and a lower rate of technology adoption. Also, because of the low margin per ride in the on-demand taxi, many are looking to run own taxis instead of attaching to maximize profits.

How Taxi Management Software can Solve the Problem?

I said that both the taxi startups and conventional taxis are facing problems which I think can be mitigated by using the taxi management software. 

Taxi management software is nothing but the latest version of taxi dispatch system with a heavy incorporation of technology. 

Apart from the taxi booking app, a centralized vehicle management system is present in this software. So, both taxi startups who need to run own taxis and conventional firms can benefit from this software. At the end of the day, it is a win-win situation.

On-demand taxi startups boasted of zero inventory model but it backfired for many in the form of less margin as competition increases. With the taxi management system in place, it is possible to run a combination of conventional and on-demand taxi and be profitable.

Conventional firms can regain their lost shine with less cost by simply adapting to the taxi management system.

SpotnRides taxi management software

SpotnRides have long been in the field of developing software solutions for taxi industry like on-demand taxi booking apps and now a brand new taxi management software. Over a period of time, we sensed a change in the working of small and medium taxi startups and after a lot of deliberations, market research, and talks with existing owners, we came up with management software.

Our software can be used by riders for hassle-free booking from anywhere and anytime. All the features are well-upgraded keeping in view the latest advancements. The vehicle management system makes it easy to dispatch the cabs with so much ease. 

The admin can oversee all the bookings and dispatches from PC or mobile or anything else.

Now I will list the top features in SpotnRides software.

Phone number protection

Riders have the feature to hide the mobile no. from the drivers.

Pick up points

Riders can select the pick up points from their app.

Call bookings

If the GPS is not working or even if the user doesn’t have the app, riders can book via calls.

Complete ride details

Current location of cab, vehicle color, and no., driver no., name, etc are shown to the rider.

Demand map

Drivers can view the place with maximum demand.

Referral rewards

Customers can receive offers and rewards for referrals.

We think from customer perspective

Our SpotnRides apps are already used by many startups across the globe which helped us to get feedback after usage. Thinking from the point of view of customers help us know the behavioral shift and the factor that makes customers display certain emotions.

Our product makes the customer feel comfortable because of the smooth user interface and excellent user experience. Our taxi management solution is flexible and whenever there is room for improvement, it is carried out without hesitation about money and effort.

Taxi app users’ pain points are well articulated and addressed by constant communication with the clients.

Built with the latest technologies

Stripe, Paypal SDK, Braintree are used to develop the payment system in the app. We have the SpotnRides taxi management app for both iOS and Android. Java and Kotlin languages for Android and Swift language for iOS are followed for app development. 

Node js, Python, Ruby on Rails, and PHP are used for backend programming. We generally prefer Native app development and any demerits of using it are well handled by our developer team. Wide range of devices with different screen sizes are compatible with SpotnRides.

Wrapping up

There is more to say about our taxi management software. Conventional taxi owners and taxi startups who want to add taxi management system can approach us for our solution.

The features mentioned above are just to show a glance for you. Brace yourself for the second disruption in the taxi industry and we are also happy to partner with the right entrepreneurs for our growth.

Please don’t hesitate to send us an email to Any kind of queries and doubts will be answered by our team anytime.

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About the author


I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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