How to Position your New Taxi Booking Startup-like Grab as the Biggest Ride-hailing Company?

When it comes to the on-demand taxi booking app startup, two names that come to our mind are Uber and Grab. Both are dominating the taxi booking market and are doing very well to cope up with the changing market dynamics. With the constant change in tech advances, Uber and Grab are reinventing their app solutions and making things fine for their riders and drivers.

If you are entering the taxi app startup sector with your own niche app, then it is high time that you position yourself at the top by following certain things of other top apps. In this blog I will take Grab as an example since it has benchmarked itself because of the heights it reached in a short span. Before that, we will see about Grab taxi.

How To Launch a Grab Like Taxi Startup?

Grab taxi in Asian Countries

Grab is the first Asian based startup to launch online taxi booking services and it predominantly operates in Asian countries. Apart from taxi booking, Grab provides 10 different services for various customers. 

What separates Grab from other firms is its less wait time and flexible payment option for its customers. The effort invested in building a robust technology for customer and driver app is paying well for Grab.

Having an app like Grab for your taxi startup will be a game changer and can give you an edge over your peers in the same region. 

Global approach

Being both global and local at the same time is the strategy used by Grab. Grab has to compete with the western taxi companies who had strong funding. Yet, Grab made feature changes that matched both Global companies and also satisfied local users.

Follow the same for your taxi startup. While building the app solution make sure you have the features in the customer app and driver that attract the local people. Your app should have values that directly influence the emotions of the local users. If you completed app development, then do market research and then customize the app with local flavours.

At the same time, don’t forget to add some common globally used functionalities and features.     

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Preference for payment option

Type of payment option greatly influences the customer usage. Since there are multiple taxi apps available, a user can easily move to other apps if the payment option is not diverse.

Keep the payment option diverse. It should have both national and international payment gateways to attract both outsiders and local people. If you are looking to enter the Asian market, then cash is the major tool for transaction in most countries and here it is imperative to have a cash payment option.

When developing the customer app, set preferences for payments and give more importance based on it.

Optimized marketing

Since it is an era of internet and smartphones, it is easy to spread a negative backlash to many people. Whatever app solution you develop for the users, when released live for usage by many people, it will certainly get some bad feedback. Brace yourself to face it and it is nothing new for a taxi startup even Uber and Grab had faced it.

When getting such a reception what you need to do is to quickly respond to it graciously by fixing the problem in the apps and intimate the same to the users. The key here is to market the changes as soon as it is solved to the users so that they feel assured that the mistake won’t happen again.

Technology partners at this stage are very important since they must have the potential to respond quickly to issues and bugs that rise in the app.

How SpotnRides can help you?

SpotnRides is a pre-built taxi app solution developed for small and bootstrapping startups. What makes us different from others is that we have an instant response policy wherein we attend quickly to any issues raised by our client on the app solution.

  • SpotnRides has worked with many startups in diverse regions and delivered both Uber and Grab like taxi app solutions with utmost perfection.
  • Our team will help you to identify the pain points of customers and come up with a feature or design that can satisfy your customers.
  • 20+ optional features are offered by us and we also aid you in selecting the apt feature set from the list.
  • Our teams are divided into different domains and all of them work simultaneously in different areas to deliver a complete solution at the shortest possible time.
  • Since our work is customer-centric, we constantly engage with you to get feedback and quickly modify any changes.
  • Grab like taxi app solution of ours can also be added with multiple services like bike taxi, e-wallet payment, bus booking, food delivery, and many more.

Final words!

Not convinced about our SpotnRides grab like a taxi app? Then quickly connect with us to get detailed explanations and a live demo by tapping a mail to Our business team is available 24/7 to help you. 

Deciding to have a Grab like taxi app for your startup is a great decision, make it successful by partnering with us!

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About the author


I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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