The monumental app development cost for the on-demand taxi startup is pushing many from entering into this field. Even those using readymade taxi booking app scripts similar to Uber sometimes feel that the development cost crossed their early estimates. More money on development alone leaves nothing for the core business. The way in which the app development is done decides the cost, be it customization, design changes, or complete overhauling.
If you are in talks to enter the on-demand taxi startup market but have apprehensions about the app development cost, then this blog is for you. This is even more important for bootstrapping startups.
Even though there are pre built Uber app scripts made by different makers, you need to follow some steps to make everything happen well within your expectations.
The ready made taxi app script available is a minimum viable product and tons of modification is required to bring it as a finished product. What is needed to add in terms of features, design, and other technicalities are for you to decide. So have a rigorous discussion with the app development team and brainstorm ideas. Write down the ideas including your expectations and remove those that are unrealistic or impractical to do.
Doing this helps the development firm to allocate resources, develop milestones, time period, and also compute the cost. Unnecessary expenses will be determined and informed decisions can be made.
Design of the final taxi booking app
Changing the designs in the app based on trial and error method involves a lot of programming challenges and also it consumes time and resources. You need not want this to happen right? So you first do the designs in the paper and also the user interface you would like to see in the app. This must be revised until the design gets a thumbs up from who are related to it. The final design will act as a standard for all the designs that takes place in the app.
Platform for the app
There are two major platforms namely iOS and Android. It is not difficult to decide to have both the platforms on board. But for a taxi app startup that is going to function in Asia which has 80% Android users, releasing an iOS app will not make any change. Cutting down a platform drastically reduces the development cost. So choose the relevant platform you need and this you can find by doing extensive market research and by observing existing adversaries.
Along with this also decide on hybrid/native app development. Native apps are customized to work on certain platforms or devices while hybrid is a single programmed app that fits all.
Inserting addons
You may have certain addon features, plugins to be included in the app solution. If it is already available separately with the development firm, then you need not spend much time to make it from scratch instead make a list of it and insert it into the solution in no time.
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Technology usage, testing, and deployment
While choosing the app development firm you need to see whether they are working in the latest technologies, frameworks, templates, and having skilled persons in development, design, and testing.
The testing of the app consists of beta testing and piloting. Crashes and failures are identified and corrected in this stage. Frequent crashes after the app are made live will affect the reliability of the startup.
Installation of the solution must be done seamlessly and it is up to the app maker to do it.
Have no rush in completing
Just to reduce the cost and time, don’t rush in completing the app. In no way, the quality of the app should be compromised. Another problem of rushing is that some flaws in the solution will be left unnoticed and this will bite you when made live. So follow the systematic approach with persistence. The main cost cutting must happen predominantly in eliminating unnecessary works.
Choosing the right app development company
Preceding steps cannot be done well without a good app development company. Moreover, completing the app at an optimum cost even if it is a readymade script largely depends on the app development company.
So select the right firm based on the quality of their taxi booking app script, existing clients, technical expertise, and ability to work on diverse platforms.
Taxi app development from SpotnRides
One such firm with all the above said traits is SpotnRides. SpotnRides is a top notch taxi app development firm. We not only specialize in taxi booking app but also in the taxi management system. Our integrated taxi management system has a taxi booking solution and taxi dispatch system combined which helps traditional taxi owners who are looking to re-enter the market with new vigor.
Our product is used in 10+ countries and we are in constant touch with the taxi industry to consistently innovate and bring new features to the taxi app. Most of our clients are bootstrapping startups who want ideal taxi booking app at optimum cost.
I hope the mentioned steps are useful to you. You can contact us for any doubts regarding the cost, customization, app features, selecting platform, technicalities of our work, etc.
Anytime send a mail to Our business team is ready to answer you anytime and we are looking forward to partner with you.